Thursday, January 15, 2009

Existential Angst is meeeeeeee...

Well, damn, I'm closing in on the last 6 months of my undergraduate degree. Of course the question is, what on earth do I do now???

I've worked so hard over the last four years, just gotten my nose down to the grind and pushed myself to make it through. Despite all nighters, being puked on, or screaming due to teething, with the Boo. Despite my mom nearly dying due to Necrotizing Fascitis. Despite a custody battle. Despite a total retooling of the diet made necessary by severe illness. Despite depression. Despite a low self esteem. Despite never having any time off ever to do anything. Despite insomnia. Despite devastating and unexpected death. Despite life, in short.

So now what? Grad school? Med school? Law school? Michener Institute? Victory Lap? Work force? Volunteering? College?

Can I go back to first year, please? I've seen reality, and I don't like how it looks.

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