Sunday, February 11, 2007

Been a while...

But I finally got around to posting. won't be that long, just a basic update on life. School is going well - A's and A-'s with the four courses that I have: BIO250, HMB265, JGE221, and ENV235. I've found a combination of medications that really enable me to focus in a way that I previously haven't been able to at UT and its made a huge difference in my outlook about everything. I'm now fairly sure that I'm going to be trying for law school in a couple of years. Osgoode hall in particular has a really good program that combines an MA in environmental studies and an LLB, so that would be the dream I suppose.

The munchkin is lovely, she's talking up a storm, and has just about as much personality as you can fit into a 28 pound body. She really does light up my life in such a myriad of ways, and I'm so thankful for her. It's interesting, because the more stressed out I get, the more functional I become - I really pull it together for her. That's the dirty little secret I suppose, of student parents... there is the perfect motivation in her.

I will be posting again sooner... I forgot how to sign in for ages... lol.

1 comment:

Dean epay said...

An update! This is too big even for flying pigs or freezing hell. :P